*How do you find the clothes? Is it nice? :D
*I love it! A lot! <3
*bracelet not really, i guess. 2 comments on that.
*BAG. got to choose 1 out of 3. Comments on it are like, half half. Headache. >,<
OK, we have this exciting voting going on!
*which is below.. have a look & vote ty.
Currently, .. Silver is 4 Dark Silver is 6 Almond is 0
I wonder what I will bring on that day. *_*
>I follow the majority. So,which ever bag got the most vote, I will bring it! (:
Everyone! Comments! Thanks! ^^

White heels! Weeee! (:
Today went out with Doreen at Hougang Mall to search for heels.
We went to this shop, Mad About Shoes. They have this sale going on..
If you buy first pair, you will have 20% off. If you have second pair and so on, you get a 30% off. And so, we bought this same pair of heels! Is it nice? (:
Didn't realise that my feet became BIGGER! From size 6/37 of my blue heels, size 7 of my black slippers..
I have to wear size 7 of this white heels. Doreen is even worst, she needs to wear size 9.

There is a ring, a star necklace & angel cum' tag braclet.
*Abit too much, like tai tai. (mentioned by yihui)
*Necklace is ok, a ring & a watch would be better. (mentioned by wenyi)
>NOT wearing bracelet anymore. (:

The Clothes that I want to wear for Careers' Day! (:
There is a white blouse. (Pattern don't know how to say)

1. Bag-Silver

2. Bag-Dark Silver

3. Bag-Almond
Voting Time!
everyone, please do me a favour by choosing which bag match my clothes! Thanks!
1. Silver
2. Dark Silver
3. Almond
Doreen: dark silver
Yihui: silver
Mother: dark silver
wenyi: silver
Christabel & her mother: dark silver
Charmaine: silver
Cheryl: dark silver
Janus: silver
Lavinia Mei: dark silver
Currently.. 4:6:0

White heels! Weeee! (:
Today went out with Doreen at Hougang Mall to search for heels.
We went to this shop, Mad About Shoes. They have this sale going on..
If you buy first pair, you will have 20% off. If you have second pair and so on, you get a 30% off. And so, we bought this same pair of heels! Is it nice? (:
Didn't realise that my feet became BIGGER! From size 6/37 of my blue heels, size 7 of my black slippers..
I have to wear size 7 of this white heels. Doreen is even worst, she needs to wear size 9.
There is a ring, a star necklace & angel cum' tag braclet.
*Abit too much, like tai tai. (mentioned by yihui)
*Necklace is ok, a ring & a watch would be better. (mentioned by wenyi)
>NOT wearing bracelet anymore. (:

The Clothes that I want to wear for Careers' Day! (:
There is a white blouse. (Pattern don't know how to say)
The buttons are small, smaller than our school uniform. -_-
I'm wearing a black tube inside. There is some shiny beads on it.
There is a black colour belt with three "big" flowers attached to it. (Sketch table)
There is a jeans. (It is a jeans. The pockets all those, are jeans kind. The material is like, NOT jeans kind. It is smooth?. Kind of.)
I'm wearing a black tube inside. There is some shiny beads on it.
There is a black colour belt with three "big" flowers attached to it. (Sketch table)
There is a jeans. (It is a jeans. The pockets all those, are jeans kind. The material is like, NOT jeans kind. It is smooth?. Kind of.)
The blouse & belt comes in a set together. Original price is $50!
*Of course I'm not a freak to buy so ex. There is a 30% sale. So,it cost $35.
The black jeans. Original price is $56.90
*And I bought it for $28.++
The tube is I bought it from the Taiwan website.
*Yihui say if it is smooth, it is NOT jeans. (I don't know)
Thanks to wenyi & Christabel for giving me advice of what to buy! (I know I'm choosy~)
Unfortunately, when we went to the last shop to buy this blouse. I forgot to get the receipt, I can't claim the money! Shit man! My $35 flew away ~ ~
Grats Christabel on buying the top. It is cool! Nice! ^^ *love your belt more than mine. LOL.
Grats wenyi bought that pyjamas. LOL.
Sad that we are still short of things to buy. Hope all of us buy it!
Wenyi: I haven't buy anything! (hope you buy top instead of pyjamas again! =P must come to school hor!)
Christabel: I want jeans! (hope you buy your jeans, don't so choosy on that!)
Doreen: Short of jeans & heels. (no money to buy) . pathetic. =P
Yihui: tonight I'm buying! (hope you buy it)
Vivien: still shopping for clothes. (hope your aunt can close one eye)
Janus: too many clothes to choose. (hope my advice can help you)
Hope everyone can COME that day & wear your favourite & nicest clothes ever! ^^
*Of course I'm not a freak to buy so ex. There is a 30% sale. So,it cost $35.
The black jeans. Original price is $56.90
*And I bought it for $28.++
The tube is I bought it from the Taiwan website.
*Yihui say if it is smooth, it is NOT jeans. (I don't know)
Thanks to wenyi & Christabel for giving me advice of what to buy! (I know I'm choosy~)
Unfortunately, when we went to the last shop to buy this blouse. I forgot to get the receipt, I can't claim the money! Shit man! My $35 flew away ~ ~
Grats Christabel on buying the top. It is cool! Nice! ^^ *love your belt more than mine. LOL.
Grats wenyi bought that pyjamas. LOL.
Sad that we are still short of things to buy. Hope all of us buy it!
Wenyi: I haven't buy anything! (hope you buy top instead of pyjamas again! =P must come to school hor!)
Christabel: I want jeans! (hope you buy your jeans, don't so choosy on that!)
Doreen: Short of jeans & heels. (no money to buy) . pathetic. =P
Yihui: tonight I'm buying! (hope you buy it)
Vivien: still shopping for clothes. (hope your aunt can close one eye)
Janus: too many clothes to choose. (hope my advice can help you)
Hope everyone can COME that day & wear your favourite & nicest clothes ever! ^^
1. Bag-Silver
2. Bag-Dark Silver
3. Bag-Almond
Voting Time!
everyone, please do me a favour by choosing which bag match my clothes! Thanks!
1. Silver
2. Dark Silver
3. Almond
Doreen: dark silver
Yihui: silver
Mother: dark silver
wenyi: silver
Christabel & her mother: dark silver
Charmaine: silver
Cheryl: dark silver
Janus: silver
Lavinia Mei: dark silver
Currently.. 4:6:0