Today went to watch Nodame Cantabile Finale with Yen Foon and Mandii in Tampines, Golden Village. I swear I will never ever go there watch again! The cinema is the smallest I can find, the seat is so small also (suitable for kindergarten kids sit) and squeezy! Can't even stretch far! But cold. Overall for this movie that I love like hell, was nice! Sad, happy, touching and romantic moments! I love tamaki hiroshi! He rocks! :) At least they kissed, and have romantic scenes! :D
At night, tupid gave me this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=so6ExplQlaY&a=2TmuDnhwHfA&playnext_from=ML Song nice! Sad song! :)
Lazy to blog le, tired.. night night :)