Monday, 7 September 2009


Happy Birthday! (:


Today had Physics Mock Exam, 'o' level 2008 paper! Haha! Not bad! I got 74/100! (: Today was a boring day as ever, studying Geography and slacking too. Dont know why, nowadays cannot sit down and study, keep moving up and down and slack! Where is my spirit?! ): Fortunately, I managed to study some! Lets see..

Physics: 3/4 Done! Need to study more on Magnetism & Kinetic particles to confirm! (:

Geography: 1/2 Done! Left Development & Food!

Social Studies: 1/2 Done!Left slight Venice,bonding Singapore & Diplomacy and Deterrence!

Chemistry: 1/2 Done! Left Speed of Reaction,Energy Change,Alkanes' family! (:

Biology: 1/4 Done! Please read more & more! Understanding in progress...digesting... T>T

E Maths: Prepared! But need to practice more papers! (: <3

A Maths: 3/4! Left Trigo,Diff,Intergation! JYJY! (: <3

English: Chionging compre-ended & summary! ._.

Chinese: Prepared for 'o' level! (: