Sunday, 12 December 2010
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Thursday, 14 October 2010
别人笑我太疯癫 我笑他人看不穿
Today is the registration of the GEMS module! Why why why?! Why I got the time slot for 1-1.30pm! Made me waited for so long~~~ & I still have to work at 3pm. aiyo! Well, at least I managed to get the module I wanted which is Music Appreciation! LOL! All thanks to dr. chia, I think I'm so going to fail this module! LOL! BUUTTTTT, I know it's about classical music, and I like it! So hope it goes well.... at least a D- ... :x Went to blackboard, and saw the Music Appreciation PowerPoint slides! GOSH, it's chim.. LOL.. :x Only interested in playing the musical instruments and going to the concert halls! hehehe! :D
Went out with my mum to Toa Payoh. We visited the HDB place thingy thingy and saw these model buildings. So nice! xD It looks so real!

After that, we went to look for the Wheat shop -A Japanese shop that sells mini cakes! Not bad la for the cakes, but expensive!
Now I know why ahma plan me to work morning shift! tata, because textbook morning come! but only few pallads la, lols, never mind, at least there's work for me to do! :)) worked from 10.15pm - 5.00pm! Actually should be 4.30pm de, but.. cause suddenly GOT the Philips earpieces, cartridges, warehouse stock-iPhone privacy filters screen protector and innoform dvd stocks! If I just waited till 4.30pm then go home abit what sia.. since these stocks came before 4.30pm so I decided to do it before I go home.. that's why drag till 5.00pm! :(( Sorry wenyi! Made you waited for half an hour! :P Partly is cause peili go throw rubbish.. which took a long way for her.. *caused I contributed to the rubbish* I never go cut the cardboard.. that's why when peili is moving to the rubbish bin there, the car board box keep dropping, papers fly and fly. haha, made me laughed like hell! *opps, sorry peli* heheheh :))
Initially wanted to go cut hair before I go home, but the hairdresser never work! Sigh, so decided to change to Friday then go cut hair. haha, Carissa norhhs, asked me to go cut hair.. New hair, new start, yeahhh~~ LOL! okok la, and also cause my hair abit going crazy ALTHOUGH I cut it like one month plus plus ago nia. :x Reached home and started to chiong the 秋香怒点唐伯虎! Watched finish already, hehe, overall the show soso nia loh... cause of the myolie wu, eeee, I don't like her.. She not chio loh, still act as 秋香! ._."
Friday, 10 September 2010
tamaki hiroshi LOVES

Photo Album COLOR $44++
Although it's an album which was very long ago, 2003 I guess? buttttttt.... inside got lots of photos of him, including one of it, the photo on the left.. yeah! So shuai!
MW $16++
His latest movie,2009, very hot! First time acting as bad guy, omgomg, excited to watch it! Although it's kind of sad that he acting as a bad guy, but well, heard from his fans that it's quite a nice show~~
sigh, can't manage to buy MW Chapter 0, Love Shuffle and Nodame Cantabile Part 2 and Tamaki Hiroshi Live Tour Alive DVD! :(
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Picture snap by Si Han :)
Today is national day, not concern anyway. :x Happy birthday, Singapore~ Haha! ((: Today went to Hougang Plaza Kbox with wenyi. Initially, she thought was $8++ for members' special. However, as it was a public holiday?, so become $16++, total $25. Haha, was fun, we sang from 2-6pm. Happy because got Diamond by Alan, Hide Away by AAA, Ayumi Hamasaki songs! I also sang Raymond Lam Fung songs, Jay Chou songs, English songs, Cantonese songs, Korean songs and etc etc... :x HAHA! ^^!
Monday, 9 August 2010
nice song
Saturday, 7 August 2010
life is life .
Today went out to toa payoh with yihui, Doreen and Baby! We went to play pool first, then meet Baby and ate BBQ Chicken! That restaurant sucks! Firstly, the service of the employees was very unsatisfied. It is a restaurant but apparently it doesn't provide free plain water. Secondly, they ignored us despite the fact that we raise our hand up and shouted "excuse me" ! COMPLAIN PLEASE! This kind of service, omg ~ However, the whole trip was fun, at least we managed to meet up finally... snap lots of pictures! ((:

Friday, 30 July 2010
* Movie: Ohoku
* Romaji: Ohoku / Ōoku
* Japanese: 大奥
* Director: Fuminori Kaneko
* Writer: Fumi Yoshinaga (manga)
* Producer:
* Cinematographer:
* Release Date: October 1, 2010
* Run time:
* Language: Japanese
* Country: Japan
"Ohoku" is set in a fictional Edo era Japan where woman have become the dominant members of society and the males are sought after for their ability to produce children. The reversed roles of the genders were caused by a mysterious epidemic that dropped the male population to 1/4th its prior state.
Under this setting, a young man (played by Kazunari Ninomiya) enters the inner chambers of the Shogun's castle to vie among 3,000 other men for the affection of the female shogun (played by Kou Shibasaki).
Kou Shibasaki (28) and Arashi member Kazunari Ninomiya (26) have been chosen to star in Fuminori Kaneko's "Ooku," a live-action film adaptation of the manga by Fumi Yoshinaga. This will be the first jidaigeki film that either has starred in.
Yoshinaga's "Ooku" is a historical fiction set during the Edo period. A mysterious disease strikes Japan's male population, reducing their numbers to a fraction of the female population. As a result, the traditional gender roles are overturned, with women becoming the dominant members of society and men becoming valued for their ability to produce offspring.
In the story, the shoguns of the time are actually women, and the "ooku" (the "inner chambers" of the shogun's castle) consists of thousands of men rather than women. Shibasaki plays the role of the shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune, while Ninomiya plays a young man named Mizuno who enters the ooku.
The movie, said to have a budget of 1 billion yen, covers only the first of the 5 manga volumes released so far. However, producers are considering turning "Ooku" into a series of films.
Hiroshi Tamaki - Matsushima
Tamaki's character is Matsushima, a high-ranking member of the elite O-chuurou class. Tamaki’s role will be no other than the most handsome of all handsome men and lead the elite group of the ooku.
extracted from http://www.crunchyroll.com/forumtopic-593955/jmovie-ooku/ http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=330975
Waiting for this movie to be released! AHH! ((:
OOYA, I totally forgot to catch Tamaki Hiroshi MW movie 2009! Hope that his Love Shuffle, Nodame Cantabile Finale and MW DVD will be released in Singapore soon! If not, I shall go to http://www.yesasia.com/ to order his DVD and his world tour alive DVD! YES! ^^
Recently went to http://www.orangebear.com.tw/ to order new clothes AGAIN! OMG, I'm crazy enough since I have not ordered for very long, (few months?). One shot ordered 8 pieces of clothes, 1 jacket & 1 belt which costs me $154... Never mind, the money shall cut from my allowance then. :x YEAH, got new clothes again, FINALLY! Hope the clothes faster arrive but some clothes were pre ordered, so guess I have to wait. ):
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Shi Ting and Carissa gave these, hey, the pig is cute! I also have that similar one!
See, the bigger size with different colour is what Yihui,Doreen,Baby,Vivien,Janus gave me last year de, haha! Happy family! ((:
Mei Ping, Shirlyn & Wei Teng gave me these, cute! The earpiece, omg, aim that sia when I went to Jurong Point!
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Early celebration
She also ordered ice-cream cake with this baby pooh design, words (Happy Birthday To Xing Xuan) and the flavours were cookies and cream and sticky chewy chocolate! (I chose de) Yummy! I love the cake the best, just that it looks like some sort of celebrating eight years old birthday de birthday cake! :x

Pictures of me and wenyi!

Photos of Christabel and wenyi!