Today is the registration of the GEMS module! Why why why?! Why I got the time slot for 1-1.30pm! Made me waited for so long~~~ & I still have to work at 3pm. aiyo! Well, at least I managed to get the module I wanted which is Music Appreciation! LOL! All thanks to dr. chia, I think I'm so going to fail this module! LOL! BUUTTTTT, I know it's about classical music, and I like it! So hope it goes well.... at least a D- ... :x Went to blackboard, and saw the Music Appreciation PowerPoint slides! GOSH, it's chim.. LOL.. :x Only interested in playing the musical instruments and going to the concert halls! hehehe! :D
Went out with my mum to Toa Payoh. We visited the HDB place thingy thingy and saw these model buildings. So nice! xD It looks so real!

After that, we went to look for the Wheat shop -A Japanese shop that sells mini cakes! Not bad la for the cakes, but expensive!
After we have reached home, I decided to continue my clearing of my room part2! :x
I still left the poly notes, my bed, my cupboard, tv, toys on the cupboard. =.="
So yah, completed the most easiest task which is to file in the poly notes. Gosh, I thought one big ring file will be enough for one year two semester things.. but I was wrong, I used two big ring files for just one semester things! Freaking many papers! Well, who ask me go print so many ichem and ochem practice papers! -_-" Maths and RWP also contributed many papers! Rawr! Punch those notes until I want faint. To conclude, the two big ring files is FULLY 100% filled with my poly notes. Filled to the extend that you don't need to use the black colour clip thingy - to lock the papers so that it doesn't move! I can't even flip it well, yeahh.. O mine, ~~
Today work morning shift! Overslept, I woke up at 9.20am! Siao siao! When I reached the bus-stop, checked the arrival of the bus112, SIAO.. 10mins later then will come, which is 10am then reach the bus-stop! Thinking gong to be late, decided to walk to the next bus-stop and rot there. LOL. Finally the bus came after waiting for freaking long! :(( I'm going to be late! Reached kovan bus-stop at 10.13am?! I immediately fly to popular and punch my card. Exactly 10.15am punched! Ten seconds later, the clock strive to 10.16am. waaaaaa, phew! :x
Now I know why ahma plan me to work morning shift! tata, because textbook morning come! but only few pallads la, lols, never mind, at least there's work for me to do! :)) worked from 10.15pm - 5.00pm! Actually should be 4.30pm de, but.. cause suddenly GOT the Philips earpieces, cartridges, warehouse stock-iPhone privacy filters screen protector and innoform dvd stocks! If I just waited till 4.30pm then go home abit what sia.. since these stocks came before 4.30pm so I decided to do it before I go home.. that's why drag till 5.00pm! :(( Sorry wenyi! Made you waited for half an hour! :P Partly is cause peili go throw rubbish.. which took a long way for her.. *caused I contributed to the rubbish* I never go cut the cardboard.. that's why when peili is moving to the rubbish bin there, the car board box keep dropping, papers fly and fly. haha, made me laughed like hell! *opps, sorry peli* heheheh :))
Initially wanted to go cut hair before I go home, but the hairdresser never work! Sigh, so decided to change to Friday then go cut hair. haha, Carissa norhhs, asked me to go cut hair.. New hair, new start, yeahhh~~ LOL! okok la, and also cause my hair abit going crazy ALTHOUGH I cut it like one month plus plus ago nia. :x Reached home and started to chiong the 秋香怒点唐伯虎! Watched finish already, hehe, overall the show soso nia loh... cause of the myolie wu, eeee, I don't like her.. She not chio loh, still act as 秋香! ._."
别人笑我太疯癫 我笑他人看不穿
After that, went to kovan to play pool with yen foon. :)) haha, we play = laugh there de. LOL. So funny! 明明 we played for one hour loh, but ended up $11.90! One hour supposing is $6.50! ._." I'm broke again. Yen Foon saw the poster, "anti-Monday blue" 1st hour played, 2nd hour free! Wednesday is "ladies night" lady pay, get free drink and snack! ooo! which means we can go play on Monday, Wednesday and/or Thursday! LOL! siao! sad loh, I got school, if not sure play with you! :P maybe I should play on every Monday also? LOL :x
Why am I so busybody? It doesn't concern about me, I shouldn't bother about this thing right? Why I still insist on looking at .. ? After verifying between .. , I concluded .. is the one ! sigh.. however, although it's over already.. but.. somehow, I feel that .. looks similar as me.. I'm afraid I'm treated as 代替品 .. Hope I'm wrong.. but sixth sense normally is true.. :( sixth sense told me that .. is the one, which made me checked and confirm that, yes, .. is the one.. What should I do? If .. really .. me, .. will fight for what .. wants right? But he never.. so maybe I'm right.. moreover, .. likes someone that have .. already, it never cross my mind that it might be .. , dies.. maybe .. really can't get over .. , ~.~"
Anyone interested in buying alicafe coffee products? I'm selling at a cheaper price, if interested, please leave a message in my tag board! :3 If not, I'm not buying le loh.. rather just look at Raymond from far will do!
ARGHHHH, serious lah.. recently, everyday keep stomach pain! :(( What happened! -.-"
hmm.. decided that today afternoon, go cut hair.. then go visit my ex-tutor.. been four month plus since I last visited her! :x What should I buy? Empty handed look so paiseh sia.. :x
I think I did something bad? I don't know. I'm very confused now. Hais.
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