With Sidi and Jacelyn
Airline: Scoot, TZ202 & TZ201
Hotel: Taipei Dreamhouse, HolidayFun, King Shi Hotel
Insurance: Hong Leong Insurance (HL)
Photographer: Jacelyn (THANKS FOR THE PHOTOS) & Sidi (dou hou take de photos also zai) & Lousy me (most cui photos = me take one)
Haha, I got to say, this was a very RUSHED and LAST MINUTE overseas trip we planned together. I remembered that time, Jacelyn had to cancelled her Korea Immersion Trip cause of MERS, and I was like randomly proposing to her about going Taiwan with the three of us, since I was hoping to go overseas this Summer. And somehow, it just worked out! Scoot was having promotion, 30% for UOB members, and the airline tickets after tax and gst was only $293.10 (2 way trip)!! Freaking cheap I should say!! Travel Insurance about $30 only, basic of course. Hotel wise, we stayed in Dreamhouse for 4 nights, so total payment was only $300+, where each of us paid $100+; each day is only about $25!!! FREAKING CHEAP I SHOULD SAY.
Day 0: 020815
Check in: 1105+/-
Fly off: 0105
Thanks for those who send me off, or those who even remembered that I was flying off that day! A selfie photo for you guys! XD
Our passport for Taiwan, are ready! :)
Haha, I got to say, our selfies in the airport.... LOL, #tiojudged #blockingpeople #3siaogirls

Sunriseeeeeee, i guess, in between Taiwan and Singapore, LOL. Resolution not very nice, because of the mirror reflection. O well~ But the sunrise from our view, is really, really, NICEEEEEE.
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